
Visible Younger Looking Skin

PUREHYDRO® is the latest super-facial device which A-listers love. Using state-of-the-art technology, PUREHYDRO will tackle any skincare concern from fine lines and wrinkles to pigmentation or acne.

A full consultation with one of our experts will help determine a course of treatments which are tailored to your skin’s specific needs.



  •  By exfoliating and deeply cleansing, Pure Peel will improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin, leaving it looking refreshed and rejuvenated.


  • Removes impurities from pores without causing any pain, using a gentle suction technique.


  • Delivers deep hydration and vital nutrients to the skin, providing intense moisture and bespoke nourishment for a targeted skincare experience.

A full consultation with one of our experts will help determine a course of treatments which are tailored to your skin’s specific needs.



  •  By exfoliating and deeply cleansing, Pure Peel will improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin, leaving it looking refreshed and rejuvenated.


  • Removes impurities from pores without causing any pain, using a gentle suction technique.


  • Delivers deep hydration and vital nutrients to the skin, providing intense moisture and bespoke nourishment for a targeted skincare experience.


The OXYGEN8 gel and powerful solutions that we use during the PUREHYDRO facial are packed with ingredients that will help penetrate deeper down into your skin cells and rejuvenate them with all of the active ingredients.

The perfect anti ageing facial which also gives you a beautiful healthy glow.


Removes all traces of debris, blackheads and dead skin cells whilst utilizing a combination of 3 solutions to cleanse, smooth and hydrate the skin – all in one treatment.


PUREGLO allows oxygen to be drawn into the skin. A reaction occurs between the capsules and the active ingredients, causing minute carbon dioxide bubbles on the skin.


Radio frequency technology is used to increase collagen reproduction and skin tightening, resulting in collagen and elastic production.


Designed to nourish your skin and promote collagen growth by spraying highly

concentrated oxygen molecules into the epidermis.


The Fire element heats the skin up to 45 degrees, opens pores and increases the blood supply and Ice with a temperature that can be reduced down to 5 degrees to close the pores and reduce inflammation.


Ultrasound technology with 100-300 million vibrations per second, infusing product at the same time.


Utilizing microcurrent, often referred to as a natural facelift, reduces fine lines and wrinkles while firming your skin and defining your features. Improves muscle tone, reduce puffiness, increase cellular activity and tighten pores.


Circular movements to help with blood circulation, lymphatic drainage whilst infusing active ingredients directly into the skin.

The benefits of choosing PUREHYDRO

  • 8 Technologies in one affordable device

  • Low start-up costs

  • Low consumables

  • Can treat all skin types

  • Easy to operate

  • Instant Results

  • Upsell skin care opportunities

  • High consumer demand

The benefits of choosing PURESKIN

  • You’re in safe hands! – With over 40 years experience and knowledge within the beauty and aesthetics industry

  • Training included

  • Dedicated account managers

  • 12 Month Warranty

  • National celebrity campaigns

  • Launch support

  • Digital marketing & media support

  • Listing on our clinic finder

  • Technical support


PUREHYDRO has many benefits, including a more hydrated, bright, plump, and clear complexion whilst improving signs of ageing. PUREHYDRO reduces fine lines and wrinkles, increases firmness, evens tone, texture, and brown spots, and reduces enlarged pores.

While PUREHYDRO is generally free of complications, you may feel light pressure from the Aqua Peel during the procedure.

The PUREHYDRO treatment is for all skin types. You may put on makeup and return to your normal activities straight after the treatment.

A course of 6, 1 week apart with monthly maintenance sessions after that for optimal results.

Two days before your treatment, do not use any over-the-counter acne medications, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Refrain from waxing and using depilatories. You should also refrain from any exfoliating treatments, like those containing active enzymes or glycolic acids.

Pre-treatment Instructions

Stop using any medium or deep chemical peels or chemical resurfacing treatments and laser treatments for at least two weeks before. Do not wax or use depilatories for at least 48 hours before your treatment.